Tuesday, December 23, 2008

my dream phone......
with 3.2 mega pixels camera,
8GB internal memory,
and is a flip phone......
so nice phone,
of cos the price oso verii 'NICE"......

cyber-shot haandphone,
with 8.1 mega pixels camera.....
but jessica de boy said verii lag,
so not considering....
anii way ii got camera,
no need so good de camera phone.... =PP

Shawn was now in chalet,
ii not going along with him,
and make him so 'pissed off'....
but wat to do???
ii dun feel like goin....
cos he dun wan socialize with my friends,
why should ii did the same to his friends???
despite ii know lots of his friends too....
just a small action, to coax mii,
but he is so petty to do it.....
SHAWN TAN, 我生气了!!

ii received your letter,
even though was pass through calvin....
you wrote verii sweet in the letter,
despite ii know whatever you said will not come true....
"choosing not to love you, is my way of loving you"
you said this sentence in the letter,
but do you know,
"staying alive, is my way of remembering you"
can ii still sae, you will heart broke when you know ii am with another guy???

realii learn how to tink positively now...
becos, must learn to grow up....
couldnt depend on others except ownself....
and YEAH!!!!!!!
finally bought my shoes and necklaces....
buying chocolates with jessica on christmas eve itself....
den head down to jason's house....
meeting jordan on christmas day,
two more days left....
looking forward!!!!!! =DDD

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