Sunday, March 1, 2009

Good mood comes along with great moments..
Even though my brother realii *pissed* mii up,
but ii still able to find my own entertain,
and made myself smile and laugh along..

A childish but interesting game,
a noisy but exciting game,
a long but challenging game..
Anii one can guess wat game was it??
It is just a simple,

However, when 32 people playing this game,
it will just have laughter, fun and joys..
This idea came from ME too..
So proud of myself to think out of such games!!!
But, there are always some people trying to spoilt the atmosphere..
Cos they *damn* not steady,
added to my bad mood,
ii unreasonably, screamed at them!!
*anger management*

At last, onlii 32 people playing..
The numbers was still huge,
but mostly there are couples so go by pairs..
The game goes like that:
1.) "oh-ya-bei-ya-som"
2.) The majority of same will not be the 'catcher'
3.) Repeat and have the last two people be the 'catcher'
4.) Find all 30 people in an hour time
If anii one able to hide themselve well,
will have a reward of.. LIQUOR..

We were at a six storey carpark, at the time of 12.43am..
To be frank, kinda creepy somehow..
But ii am with Shawn and another of his friend all time..
We hid behind a car and the fourth storey..
As said, this is a HIDE and SEEK,
so 'catcher' will not need to run over for us..

However, we didnt won!!!!
A couple won the game..
But we all had FUN!!!

ii believe my brain is keeping all those devil ideas..
If not, ii am just too childish..
However, ii realii enjoy myself in that game..
Can take a try next time again..

There goes my day..
How ii find entertainment to push myself forward..

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