Thursday, March 25, 2010

Birds fly high,
hard to catch.
Friend like you,
hard to find.

A poem that we had been listening ever since young, around my generation the 90s..
Out of a sudden, I just recalled it and blog about it..
Friendship and relationship are almost similar,
need mutual trust, communication and a little bit of FATE~~~

I also hope myself can like throw tantrum, at least dun be such optimistic everytime..
It is not consider as bad, but sometime too rational for me..
Just as if I do not have any emotions, whatever happened just let it over and return to the crazy DAPHNE..
Put in simple words, I am just a heartless and cold-blooded human..

My friends said I too violent, that is why my laptop will spoilt, I also dun wish it to happen but what to do, it just happened lo!!!!
They said going to buy me laptop for my birthday this year, so NICE right??
But I dun need it, cause I had one at home already..

The day is drawing near, my heart goes up and down..
I know it is a MUST, but what if I didnt manage to do it??
There is no one there to tell me what to do, there is nothing for me to guide on,
all depend on ME, alone..








*I just scared dun have the strength to return back to you*

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